( CCv3.rc1) bug: impossible to add component to imported fbx models

Not sure where to file bug reports for CC v3-rc1. So I leave it here:

In CC v3-RC1 you can’t add any components to the imported FBX models.
(CC says: components need to be added to the Prefabs directly.
But you can’t edit the Prefab, so this is not possible at all.)

But in the CC v3-preview (one version before) this still works.
(However, on FBX import there is no prefab (green icon) like in rc1 but a grey icon for the imported model.)

Looks like a regression to me or something isn’t yet implemented to edit FBX prefabs.

GltF the same…

so I suppose something is generally wrong here.

GlTF also works fine in CCv3 preview. But no chance to add any component in CCv3 rc1.

yes, because we add a new prefab system in rc.1, the prefabInstance(when you drag a prefab asset to the scene) with a highlight green color name, can’t add component currently, you can unlink the node with the fbx prefabs if you really want to add component on it or you can parent a node on the prefabInstance, and put the component in the parent node. we will complete the new prefab system later.

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