cc.Mask question after resizing parent node


Reading some topic in the forum, I changed my approach of using cc.Graphics to a combination of cc.Sprite + cc.Mask to achieve simple shapes that could be faded using cc.tween.

My issue now is that after resizing the node that contains the mask, the shape (in this case a circle) is lost. Tried putting maskInit inside update to redraw the mask with no success. The structure is as follows:


  • cc.Mask
  • ChildNode
    • cc.Sprite

// Inside onLoad
spriteInit() {

    this.node.width = this.node.height = 40;
    cc.resources.load("textures/pixel", cc.SpriteFrame, null, (err, spriteFrame) => {
        const node = new cc.Node();
        const sprite = node.addComponent(cc.Sprite);
        sprite.spriteFrame = spriteFrame;

        // Add spriteNode to this node.
        node.width = node.height = this.node.width;


maskInit(isNew = false) {
    const mask = isNew ? this.node.addComponent(cc.Mask) : this.node.getComponent(cc.Mask);
    mask._graphics.clear();, 0, this.node.width / 2);
    mask._graphics.fillColor = cc.Color.BLACK;
    mask._graphics.lineWidth = 1;

// Inside start
dynamicSize() {
cc.tween().to(2, { scale: 2 })
.to(2, { scale: 1 })

EDIT: Seems like adding a parent node to this structure and scaling/moving the parent node prevents the issue from happening.

Is this method working?