Cc.ActionTween, how to use?

I am trying to use cc.ActionTween in Lua, but I get the following error:

cocos2d: Assert failed: target must implement ActionTweenDelegate
Assertion failed: (dynamic_cast<ActionTweenDelegate*>(target)), function startWithTarget, file /Users/Gerd/Documents/Documents/Development/Projects/MSW.Studio/Vendors/cocos2d-x/cocos/2d/CCActionTween.cpp, line 69.

Is there a tutorial on how to use ActionTween in Lua?
I use the code below and have added a updateTweenAction(time, key) function to my class, but that does not seem to work…

local actionBackground = cc.ActionTween:create(AnimationTime, "GoingDown", 1.0, 0.0);

self:runAction (cc.Sequence:create(cc.EaseExponentialInOut:create(actionBackground), cc.CallFunc:create(tweenActionFinished)));

Thanks for your help



Hi man, did you figure out the rootcause?, i also get this error.

Tested simpler version:

local actionBackground = cc.ActionTween:create(1, "GoingDown", 1.0, 0.0);
scene:runAction (cc.Sequence:create(cc.EaseExponentialInOut:create(actionBackground)))

I think that it cannot be reasonnably done.
looking at the code we see

CCASSERT(dynamic_cast<ActionTweenDelegate*>(target), "target must implement ActionTweenDelegate");

Implies that the target must implement ActionTweenDelegate.
Looking at the code only ControlSwitchSprite implement ActionTweenDelegate.
ControlSwitchSprite is not one of the LUA binding.

It would be nice and maybe this will be added in the next version.
If you are adventurous you could try to add the binding.

Good luck