Can't open share dialog with FacebookPlugin on Android

Hi everyone!

I already have a project code with C++ and i use FacebookPlugin to share a link.
The login function and get info about my account’s Facebook is ok.
But when i press button share, i got error like this:

Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.katana.provider.PlatformProvider.
Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.wakizashi.provider.PlatformProvider.

Code i use:

cocos2d::plugin::FacebookAgent::FBInfo params;
params.insert(std::make_pair(“dialog”, “shareLink”));
params.insert(std::make_pair(“link”, “”));

cocos2d::plugin::FacebookAgent::getInstance()->dialog(params, [=](int ret ,std::string& msg){
CCLog("%s", msg.c_str());

params.insert(std::make_pair(“dialog”, “feed_dialog”));
cocos2d::plugin::FacebookAgent::getInstance()->dialog(params, [=](int ret ,std::string& msg){
CCLog("%s", msg.c_str());

i use plugin with cocos2dx V3.2.
Plugin work well with IOS platform.
Can anyone show me how to fix this error, please ?

Hi I’m experiencing the same problem. Is this solved?