Can't create a tiled map because of CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG

Hello, i drew a map using Tiled, this map is really simple. I added two layers and gave them one property each (cc_vertexz = -1000 for a background and cc_vertexz = automatic for a foreground)
Then i try to create a map like this:

bool HelloWorld::init()
bool bRet = false;

if ( !CCLayerColor::initWithColor( ccc4(255,255,255,255) ) )
return false;


  // create a TMX map
  CCTMXTiledMap *map = CCTMXTiledMap::create("Map/TileMap.tmx");

  addChild(map, 0);

  bRet = true;

} while (0);

return bRet;

And i got an exception at this point:
access violation CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG

A project is created for win32.

The path to the tileset and the tilemap is correct.

Actually i’ve just used info from this page:
and its not working:(

That error occurs when i try to create a map using Layer format: Base64(one of three variations)
And if i try to create a map using Layer format: XML or CSV, then i get another error:
pTMXMapInfo->getLayerAttributes() != TMXLayerAttribNone exception

my Cocos2dx version is 2.2

Hi, Can you upload your resource so I can check it? Thanks!