Can someone reverse engineer game exported by cocos creator?

Hi, I’m trying to build a game using cocos creator. However, there’s some part of algor I can’t expose. I want to make sure the exported files for iOS and Android are well protected. Either converted to machine code or fairly hard to reverse would be enough.


Yep, it is very easy to do.

it is very easy to reverse engineer or very easy to prevent it?

i basically don’t want people able to reverse engineer my game, or at least i can make part of the algor into machine code

Well, don’t put your algo into game.

ok thank you! the algor has to be in the game, so it looks like there’s no way around this

There is obfuscation techniques you could use. I’d suggest searching for help with this.

Could you read the algo from some other location or hide parts of it in your code and pieces it together via function calls or variables concatenated together? I know people that do this and I worked for a company that used to do this.

Can’t you put that super secret code on a server or something? :slight_smile:

Also, think about it this way, if somebody is trying to hack you, your game must be super successful! 99.99% of games can go without any sort of encryption

obfuscation isnt enough. company wants the algor be converted into machine code.

yea, I understand your point. I don’t think the game we are creating worth the effort that anyone would want to reverse engineer it, but my boss somehow just thinks this is a killer algor that we can’t expose it. converting it to native code makes him happy enough


So why not embed your algo in some sort of cryptocode and decrypt it a few times in your own unique way that nobody knows. Your boss has unreasonable expectations and you wont make him/her happy. XOR, SHA256, etc to just name a few.

Do you know anything about NDK in Android? NDK is able to export a .so lib that is relevant hard to reverse it to human readable format. We’ve been using this and I think he’s looking for something similar. but thanks! I’ll suggest encryption the algor ourselves and see if he’s ok with it.