Camera Follow Player Tutorial

Hi there:

I’ve taken a look at below:

It’s the above the only tutorial concerning Camera following player? In essence, my player is under Canvas, with dimensions of 1280 x 720, but have a background of size 3000 x 3000 . Therefore, I’m looking for Camera to follow the player around this world? How would I set up under Canvas? Any help and insight would be appreciated it. Thanks and God Bless…



Hi recently I’ve been boggled down with the same camera issues, but this worked for me! Also with the added bonus of zoom out/in

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Hi @Dban1

Thanks much appreciated it, but I’ve set it up with a Camera Component and added the js script to it, and the player node, but nothing. I have under Canvas, the Main Camera and another Camera - > CameraPlayer. Is this how you set it up? Thanks again for the help, God Bless…



Hi! For me, I only had my script linked to a player_camera Camera node I created. My Main Camera has everything under “culling” section unchecked, and my player camera has everything under “culling” checked. Try not to use cc.follow on physics objects as I think it produces wanky results

Hi @Dban1:

Thanks for the help. This is how I have my set - up:

Canvas is 1280 x 720, then underneath I have the Main Camera " unchecked ". Then, I have player and underneath player, I have Camerplayer Node, and attached the script with Target being player . I do see the camera moving with player, but then it stops or halts at the border of the canvas? Should I make player and child node of Cameraplayer? Since my background node is 3000 x 3000, i would like player to explore the world, until it hits the border. How can i solve this? Thanks for the help…God Bless…

