Build Title + Android Splash Image


I have two separate questions but decided to put them in one post.

  1. How do you put a space in the build title? No spaces are allowed and underscores or (-) show in the app title when it is downloaded.
  2. Where do you place the splash image for Android? The image that displays on the app boot up.
    I know the iOS is under frameworks->proj.ios_mac->ios but where is it for Android?


You can’t put space in the package name, it’s not allowed in some platform.

I think you should modify /build folder/frameworks/runtime-src/, but I’m not very familiar with Android, you can check out this post

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so is there no other way than using android studio to put spaces in name?

package names cannot have spaces.

so how does one put spaces in game titles like the apps on our phones have spaces how do i do that?

@Big_Bear May have thoughts on this.

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package name is different, if you are coming from iOS then consider same as bundle id.
What you are looking for is display name after App is installed, try to look into android:label in AndroidManifest.xml. And mostly it will fetch from proj/app/res/values/strings.xml

To make apk you will required android studio.

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