Build failed on Cocos Creator 2.4.5 ver

Hi, I’m new in here and using Cocos Creator 2.4.5 version. But when I try to build my games in windows, this error appears…
“Build Failed: Error: Failed to create project with exitCode : 1”
Can you help me solving this problem? Thanks:)

Hi it is a little difficult to provide any reasonable answer with the information provided. However, here are some of the tests / checks you can do to validate and find where the problem is.

  1. Are you able to preview the project in browser?
  2. Did you check the logs in browser during preview?
  3. Which platform are you building for? / Did you try building for other platforms?
  1. Yes I can.
  2. Yes I did. But it was totally fine.
  3. I was about to build in Windows. / It was successful to build in web desktop

So building for windows exe is failing? I thought the support for it was not there anymore. Dont’ have too much exp on the windows build but, you could try using electron to embed your web-desktop build that should work.