Build failed for Mac using latest XCode 12.3

Now we have 4 old projects and we are developing 1 project with the cocos2d-x CPP , so I am worried about we are abandoned :anguished: :anguished: :anguished:

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You mean a merge between cocos2d-x v4 and cocos2d-x-lite (the one used by Creator on native deployments)? I’m 100% on board if that’s the case!

True. That’s the plan.

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Is there a roadmap or a release date in sight?

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Not yet. Once Creator v3 is out we will have a better plan.

Hello @slackmoehrle ,
Creator v3 is now out. Do you have a roadmap you could share? Will it be a v3.18?
We have a few projects that depend fully on cocos so the information would be extremely welcome.
Best regards,

We don’t have any plans to release v3.18 at this time. Make sure you are using the latest from GitHub to stay up to date on fixes.

@smitpatel88 @slackmoehrle were you able to find a fix? I don’t have the option to downgrade.

Hi @bilalmirza
This is what i do for Mac

  1. Goto /Project/cocos2d/cocos/audio/mac/CDAudioManager.m Comment line no 408 & 409
//        AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
//        session.delegate = self;
  1. Add this line below it at line no 410
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setActive:YES error:nil];
  1. In same file CDAudioManager.m comment line no 328 & 329
 //    UInt32 varSize = sizeof(isPlaying);
//    AudioSessionGetProperty (kAudioSessionProperty_OtherAudioIsPlaying, &varSize, &isPlaying);
  1. Add this line below it at line no 330
isPlaying = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] isOtherAudioPlaying]; 
  1. In same file CDAudioManager.m goto line no 485 in isDeviceMuted
    replace below code
 -(BOOL) isDeviceMuted {

	    //Calling audio route stuff on the simulator causes problems
	    return NO;
	    return NO;
  1. Goto /Project/cocos2d/cocos/audio/mac/CDXMacOSXSupport.h
    Comment line no from 43 to 46
	 //enum AudioSessionProperties {
	//	kAudioSessionProperty_OtherAudioIsPlaying,
	//	kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRoute
  1. /Project/cocos2d/external/bullet/include/bullet/LinearMath/btVector3.h
    replace below line at 42
    Old line :
    #define BT_SHUFFLE(x,y,z,w) ((w)<<6 | (z)<<4 | (y)<<2 | (x))
    with new one:
    #define BT_SHUFFLE(x, y, z, w) (((w) << 6 | (z) << 4 | (y) << 2 | (x)) & 0xff)

  2. macOS Deployment target increase to 10.11
    For main project as well as for libcocos2dMac

  3. If required do clean project and run

I hope this help you.


@smitpatel88 Thanks, This works great! :smiley:

Thanks @smitpatel88, I’m going to give this a try. I can now build and run the Mac version in xcode 11, but if this works, it would be great to run in xcode 12.4.

I have a dumb question. I’ve been using the same project for several years, just updating the code, and I just noticed on the right side that I have “Project Format” set to “Xcode 3.2-compatible” and I see there are much later options. Do you know anything about that option and whether it matters?

I’d probably be smart to create a new project in January and pull my C++ code into it, but I’m not even sure how to start that, to be honest.

Thanks again!

I did not get it. Can you post screenshot of it?
What i do generally for updating old project is generate 3.17.2 project, put old classes into it and fix some errors if encounter. And apply latest xcode changes to run properly.

That’s a great idea, I’ll try that. Right now, though, I’m able to get both iOS and Mac to launch using an older xcode, but the iOS simulator crashes when trying to play a sound through AudioEngine. Out of curiosity, I tried last year’s version of the game in the simulator and it does the same, so something has changed with either OpenAL or Apple’s simulators.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions.

experimental::AudioEngine with MP3 sounds is working fine for me in XCode 12.4 with Cocos2dx 3.17.2 But I remember other formats is not working properly.

Hi, smitpatel88, I have the Mac building and running in Xcode 11, but I finally had time to try your Mac suggestions with xcode 12, and I think it’s now building as well! I was running into problems, but I think they’re now resolved!

So now I’ll move on to see if I can get iOS to run. I just want to thank you again for sharing this with us.

Ok, sadly, I’m stuck again. @smitpatel88, I’m trying to move to xcode 12, and I’ve just gotten the Mac version to build using your great directions. However, in the same project, iOS is now not even building. Even the test project I built is now failing to build the iOS version in xcode 12.

I’m getting hundreds of undefined symbols, such as cocos2d::Node::convertToWorldSpace() etc (SpriteFrameCache, etc)

And maybe I messed something up moving back and forth between xcode 11 and 12, because when I expand the Frameworks folder in xcode, I see several red items and some duplicates. For example, these are red: CoreText.framework (two are red, plus one black), two libiconv.dylib, and more.

I will suggest you to do changes first on helloworld project, after success follow same steps for your project.
Between iOS & Mac project, make sure target is selected properly when you are making changes.

@dogwalker Please check latest V3, V4 version from GitHub. Mac build is green. For V3 I applied and committed changes from this thread.



Does any one known how to compile iOS simulator version for latest V3/V4?

I apologize for posting in multiple threads, my bad. I do now have it working. Check my comments in