Best way to make a big tiled map

I have noticed, reading other posts, that the limit of a tiled map is 16.384 tiles (it’s a limit of vertex, not a limit of pixel). So, when I want to make a big tiled map (like 50x500 tiles) I need to split it into two parts.
In order to obtain the best performance, what is the best way?

  • Splitting the map into minimum parts (two parts in case above) or to split the map into a specific number of tiles?
  • Are there any advice for tile texture size? I use a texture 1152x1224 pixel for each layer of a single piece of map.
  • Are there any advice for tile level format? I use Base64 with zlib compression.


Are you using Tiled

Yes I use Tiled. Is there a better editor?

Tiled is the best, IMHO.

Thanks …do you have advice about my question above?
If I try my game on “Samsung GALAXY S5 mini”, the performance decrease with my big tiled map implemented as above.

Maybe do I need to split the map into more parts and disable programmatically the parts offscreen?


Would anyone please answer me?
Is correct the way split a big tilemap in multiple parts and disable the parts offscreen programmatically?
Help me :sob:

I am not sure. Check out cpp-tests for examples. Also, ask the Tiled forums.

I use cocos creator, the question is related to the implementation of TiledMap in Creator (not in tiled).
I want only know the guidelines to implement a big tile map. Simply;
Is correct to split the map in multiple parts?
Is correct to enable/disable the offscreen part at run time?

or more simply:

Creator supports big tile map?


I will ask our team for clarification on your questions.

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That would be very helpful. May I suggest they also create a “Best practices” doc for each cc node?
For instance, how to work with tilesets, max size suggestions, how to properly load/unload them in order to get bes performance, and so on… This is something I’ve been asking for months and it will be very useful for all early adopters.

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I tried to implement the same map on Unity. The performance are extremely better.

@slackmoehrle any news on this?

I found our that Creator can only import TileMaps from an external source.

Hi @slackmoehrle , I dont think this answer the initial question…or maybe Im not understanding your response.