Auto frameSize = glview->getFrameSize() incorrect

Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but testing this on different devices the height and width are switched.

auto frameSize = glview->getFrameSize()
iPhone SE

(cocos2d::Size) frameSize = (width = 1136, height = 640)

So, am I missing something?

Your orientation is portrait? Is display zoom on?

Are you seeing this in AppDelegate?

Orientation is portrait, it happens on simulator as well.

Yes this is in AppDelegate.

BTW, Im using Xcode for iPhone/iPads and its a clean new project nothing modified. I first noticed this when reading sonarlearning tutorials and was wondering why he would check the portrait size on the both portrait and landscape.

if ( 2048 == screenSize.width || 2048 == screenSize.height )

The screen size should not change but and it should determine if the device is in landscape or portrait, correct?

So I’m a bit confused on what glview->GetFrameSize is checking?

I did write a class to check what the actual device is but wondering what impact GetFrameSize has.