Audio engine issue on Android 4.2.2 on Galaxy Tab2


I know audio is tricky on Android 4.2.2 and I saw in Cocos2d-x changelog some fix about it.

Also, I recently moved from Cocos2d-x 3.8.x to 3.13.1 and have today a user that is encountering issues with sound lag.
He didn’t have this before my recent change, when the app was using 3.8.
But now he has trouble.

Here are the exact device specifications:
Android sdk:17
Device: espresso10wifi
Model: GT-P5110 (this is Samsung Galaxy Tab 2)

I’ve two devices on 4.2.2 (an Asus and a Bluestar) and have no issue with audio engine.

Does anyone has tested 3.13.x audio on this device?
Thanks by advance.

Else the switch from 3.8 to 3.13 seems to be ok.

I am having problem with AudioEngine on android 4.2.2 on a Samsung s4 and also on a Samsung S6 with 5.1.1 (random crashes)

Are you preloading sounds?

Not sure, I mean not all sounds, and I’m pretty sure that sounds that have issues are not preloaded.
Do you think it’s related?

Anyway, your remark makes a lot of sense, thank you.
I will check that with the user and update the thread.

I created an issue here, maybe it will be a good idea to post there too.

Keep me updated if you find a solution for this.

Try to remove all the sounds preload and see if it works.

@roots did you find a solution?

Not yet, I’m very busy on other things these days, it will take some time to check, also I need the feedback from the user because I don’t have the device so I can’t promise.
Also after some thinkings, my issue is maybe linked to the fact that I play some sounds with the java side. So I need to do several checks.