AssetsManagerEx : No local manifest file found error

Hey guys!

I’m porting my JS game to iOS and I’m integrating the AssetsManager extension to it. I’m facing this issue when trying to load the local manifest file.

My local manifest file is located in the root of the project: ProjectName/project.manifest
I’m trying out the following code snippet:

var storagePath = (jsb.fileUtils ? jsb.fileUtils.getWritablePath() : "/") + "downloads/";
this._am = new jsb.AssetsManager("project.manifest", storagePath);
cc.log(this._am.getLocalManifest().isLoaded()); //false

Am I missing something?

After digging a little bit, I managed to solve it!

Just in case anyone else faces this issue, the error was thrown because there was a parse error in my .manifest file - it was actually missing a comma.

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