Appodeal plugin is inconsistent with docs

I’m running into many problems trying to get this to work.

I’m using cocos2dx 3.17.
SDKBox version is v1.0.2.8.

I run the command sdkbox import appodeal

It says the following for the android part:

 Please reference the online documentation to finish the integration:

Note: becase of 65536 issues, please use Android Studio to compile.
Installation Successful :)

It gives me the JavaScript doc’s but my project is cocos2d c++.
Also applovin.jar is missing.
And the sdkbox modified only my build.gradle file but not my settings.gradle.

Can anyone tell me what’s going on?

My .cocos_project.json is set to c++ but sdkbox thinks i’m using JavaScript.

I recreated my whole entire project and copied the Classes Folder Resources etc…

Now I ran the sdkbox import command and it gives me the following message:

 failed to patch file AppDelegate.cpp
 Please reference the online documentation to finish the integration:
 Note: becase of 65536 issues, please use Android Studio to compile.
 >>> WARNING <<<
 Some installation steps failed.
 Please refer to the online documentation, for instructions on how to complete the installation manually.
 Installation completed with errors :|

I tried a gradle sync but it says the following:
Project with path ':lib_adcolony' could not be found in project ':MyCppGame'.

I know this has something to do with settings.gradle but I just can’t figure it out.

And many SDKS are missing as mentioned before.

Any help would be appreciated thanks!

plz remove // dependencies { compile project(':lib_adcolony') }

I tried but keep on getting errors I tried using the sample project as a guide but to no avail
I keep on getting errors :frowning:

with // dependencies { compile project(’:lib_adcolony’) }

what’s your compile error , plz paste here.

you might also need to update the listed in the build.gradle sdk versions to be consistent with the main project:

compileSdkVersion 27
buildToolsVersion “27.0.1”
//packageBuildConfig false

defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 27
versionCode 1
versionName “1.0”

include ‘:lib_adcolony’
project(’:lib_adcolony’).projectDir = new File(settingsDir, ‘app/libs/adcolony-3.1.2’)

add something like above to settings.gradle