Anything on top of Video Component & IOS auto play without gesture using <video mute>?


Is it possible to have anything on top of the video component? For example a “skip video”-button on top of the video playback?

I have not found a way to get this to work.

Thanks for any help!

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Anyone has done this or know how it can be done?


I was also looking for a way to display a node above a video for one of my project, but the only thing I found was on this topic : Alternative to CCVideoPlayer and CCSGVideoPlayer

So, it appears it’s not possible for now.

Hope it was usefull.

Thank you for your response @yoif5!

I checked how the

(this explains why you cannot see anything of the canvas, since it is an element on top of the canvas)

I also have problems with playback on some (super random that it’s not all) IOS devices because of:

It says that <video muted> elements will also be allowed to autoplay without a user gesture.

But even if I have these settings:
Muted and volume 0, it doesnt apply the muted attribute into the video <video muted>. This can be seen on the screenshot of the

@jare @slackmoehrle is this something you are aware of? Do you know a way to Hack the video element and force a muted attirbute into it so that I can ensure that the video is always auto-playing, also in IOS?

You might need to customize the engine to achieve this. Search “createElement(‘video’)” in video-player-impl.js please.

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