Animation Clip with Spine. Can't change animation index

Hi everyone, i’m trying to create animation clip with spine. Position and sp.Skeleton.premultipliedAlpha properties working fine, except sp.Skeleton._animationIndex - game scene totally stop working.

Error log:

Skeleton.js:271 Uncaught TypeError: this.skeletonData.getAnimsEnum is not a function
at sp_Skeleton.set [as _animationIndex] (Skeleton.js:271)
at cc_DynamicAnimCurve.sample (animation-curves.js:212)
at AnimationState.15.proto.sample (animation-state.js:367)
at AnimationState.process [as _process] (animation-state.js:205)
at AnimationState.15.proto.update (animation-state.js:285)
at CCClass.update (animation-manager.js:20)
at TheClass.update (CCScheduler.js:405)
at TheClass.mainLoop (CCDirector.js:1474)
at callback (CCGame.js:581)