Android zoom jerk

I have a game built with cocos2dx 2.2.6. I’ve noticed recently that on new devices such like (samsung galaxy s10, huawei mate 10 pro, huawei mate 20) sometimes when doing CCScale and CCMove together it is causing a flutter.
Is there any suggestion or hint to figure out why could this happen?

I am not sure what would cause this.

Your art is impressive.

Thank you. I’ve tried to disable power saving mode as I thought it will affect the frame rate. but when I setDisplayStats true it shows that fps is almost around 60.

Why CCMove is required? The zoom-in effect should just require CCScale

Because we need to have the bottom of the background in the middle of the screen.

CCScale is oriented to the node’s anchor point, the flutter occurs because the bottom of the background is not at the anchor point of the node you are zooming.