Android runtime error with project build after disabling SDKBOX plugin

Hi, I think this my first message here, I’ll explain the problem I have:

At my company we developed a game using CocosCreator and we added GoogleAnalytics using SDKBOX (until there, all fine).

Now with all this GDPR thing we wanted to disable SDKBPX and GA until we knew better how to proceed so I deleted the jsb-default folder and rebuilt again the iOS and Android projects without installing the plugins from SDKBOX. On iOS we didn’t have any visible problem but on Android I keep getting this error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.anysdk.framework.PluginWrapper

from the SDKWrapper Class.

My question is: if the plugin isn’t installed in the project, (and the code referring to sdkbox inside of my game is commented) why is cocos trying to reference it?

Do I have to completely uninstall SDKBOX? if so, how do I do it?

If you need any more details about the situation please let me know.


It’s AnySDK, not SDKBox.

yes, the error is from an AnySDK class, but it only appeared after building the project without the GoogleAnalytics plugin from SDKBox. Now I’m not using any external sdk at all, so still the error is weird…