Android build: binary, default or link?

I have been testing Android builds made with these 3 options and binary has a 50-75% improvement on FPS (from 32fps to 45-54fps.
Anybody knows when to use each template?
For me Binary is giving me the best results (also the binary size is 2Mb smaller (from 17mb to 15mb).

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Yes, Can anyone explain when to choose one of them?
I can’t find any document about it.

Thats the kind of question that should be in a document with tips/suggestions about how to build games with Creator. I have been asking for months, but no joy so far. I hope this will change with @slackmoehrle back in team.

Yes, questions like this, I can ask the engineering team to answer.

Any update on this question. I installed Cocos Creator 7.0 today an notice default template is link

I can ask our engineering team to review this thread.

Always use default for regular development or publish.
If you are customizing cocos2d-x-lite, you can use link to force the project sync with cocos2d-x-lite.
If you just used to repid test, use binary is fine.

I am thinking about removing binary support in 2.0.

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Why remove binary? It produces the smallest apk and compilation is faster. What does it mean binary btw?

binary is just prebuilt by the engine. If you compiled correctly, the apk size should the same (or smaller than) with binary.