Admob adViewWillPresentScreen not firing

I updated cocos creator project from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 version. I added sdkbox plugin for admob which worked before, but now it’s not firing ‘adViewWillPresentScreen’ listener event, I use this listener event to pause game music and sfx before the ad starts. Admob version is, I tried the staging server but it’s the same. Is the event changed or is it not working anymore?

Thanks in advance for help.

may I ask, whats your platform , iOS or android ? and whats your ad type ?

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IOS and rewarded video

I used SDKBOX ads with Admob to fix this problem, so I use SDKBOX ads listener not ad mob, so that’s how I fixed my problem, but I think the Admob event is still not firing if you use it. (1.8 MB)

I add adViewWillPresentScreen event for AdMob, plz help to check.

