Adding firebase to Cocos Creator 3.x

I am trying to add firebase to my Cocos Creator 3.2 project. I’ve downloaded npm firebase (in project folder) using:

npm install --save firebase

and added to tsconfig:

 "compilerOptions": {
     "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, // needs to be turned on

but when I try to import the library in script:

import firebase from 'firebase/app';

import { _decorator, Component, Event, Node, Button, EventHandler } from 'cc';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

// in real example I am using the values form my registered app
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "API_KEY",
  authDomain: "",
  databaseURL: "",
  projectId: "PROJECT_ID",
  storageBucket: "",
  messagingSenderId: "SENDER_ID",
  appId: "APP_ID",
  measurementId: "G-MEASUREMENT_ID",

const Firebase = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

const Providers = {
    google: new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider(),
    facebook: new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider(),

const auth = firebase.auth();

export class MainScript extends Component {
     button: Button | null = null;
     onLoad () {
         this.button.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.callback, this);

     callback (button: Button) {
         // Note that events registered this way cannot pass customEventData

I get an error:

Failed to resolve firebase/app from file:///D:/Game%20Assets/Cocos/FirebaseProject/assets/Scripts/mainScript.ts, treat it as external dependency. 
Which is caused by: Error: Directory import is not supported

Firebase npm library supports TypeScript (it contains .d.ts files). I want to use firebase in web game not iOS or Android app so SDKbox is no use for me.

Does anyone knows how to properly add firebase to cocos creator?

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I was able to init firebase app with method shown in this thread: Problem adding Firebase to Creator 3.0 - Cocos Creator - Cocos Forums (
But there is still problem with adding other functions (like authentification).
My code:

import { firebaseConfig } from "./Config";
import { _decorator, Component, Node, Button, Label } from 'cc';
import firebase from 'firebase/firebase-app.js';
// import '@firebase/auth'; <- does not work
import auth from 'firebase/firebase-auth.js' // does not work either 
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

const Firebase = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

export class LoginScript extends Component {
     signInButton: Button | null = null;

     signOutButton: Button | null = null;
     onLoad () {
         this.signInButton.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.signInCallback, this);
         this.signOutButton.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.signOutCallback, this);
     signInCallback (button: Button) {
         // Note that events registered this way cannot pass customEventData
        //  auth.signInWithPopup(
     signOutCallback (button: Button) {
        // Note that events registered this way cannot pass customEventData
        // auth.signOut()
    start () {
        // [3]

    // update (deltaTime: number) {
    //     // [4]
    // }


[preview-error]unhandledrejection: Unable to resolve bare specifier 'fs' from (SystemJS Error#8

[preview-error]throwUnresolved@[native code][native code]

[preview-error]unhandledrejection: Unable to resolve bare specifier 'url' from (SystemJS Error#8

[preview-error]throwUnresolved@[native code][native code]

It look like Cocos can’t use default nodeJS module.

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