Adding cocos2d-x to an existing Android project

I’d like to drop cocos2d-x in an existing project without having to use the template script to create a basic project and drag my existing files into there. I don’t think this is too unreasonable given cocos2d-x is a third party library, but I have had no luck figuring out the magic to making this work or finding any good resources online.

Can anyone share the magic if they figured it out.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Good day. I have the same requirement - I have an existing Android app (already with C++ integration), that I want to add Cocos2d-x to. Can anyone help me with how to do this? Thanks!

What do you want Cocos2d-x to do for you? How is this existing c++ app structured? Are you using another game engine already like SDL or libGDX?