[3.5] Lua Bindings removed from ParticleSystem / Android prebuilt has error?

I used cocos2d-x 3.4. We code with lua.
We use the ParticleSystem a lot, for example…:


The particle is set in cocos studio and we manipulate it. Everything is working fine in 3.4. In version 3.5 (framework edition, because source doesn’t have lua-runtimes and package manager isn’t working (see here http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org/t/cocos2d-x-v3-4-released/19728/37) everything works fine in the cocos simulator. When building it for android and starting it, the setTotalParticles() can’t be found. So I think the prebuilt-files for android are corrupted.

Any help/advice? Thanks!

I created a project in cocos framework 3.5, and added codes in function MainScene:onCreate() as that:

local particle = cc.ParticleSystemQuad:create("Particles/SmallSun.plist")

It is running OK on my android phone.
Maybe there were some other errors when you create the particle?

Thanks for the replay! I will check it again. We are creating the particle in cocos studio and loading the node. Maybe this changed something? I will come back to you.

Sorry it took some time…

I tested it again and it’s not working. We set the particles in cocos studio. I opened the csd file and the particle has the ctype ParticleObjectData.

I used cocos code ide to debug on my android phone. I also tested it with a directly created ParticleSystemQuad (there it’s working). Looks like the cocos studio stuff isn’t working in 3.5 or am i missing something? With 3.4 everything works like expected. particle is also not nil ^^


I digged a bit more. Let’s just think that the particles are working and it’s a problem of the cocos code ide android debugger. I removed every particle-stuff and find out, that there is still a problem.

local children = cc.utils:findChildren(operationOverview, "operation[[:digit:]]")

We are using cc.utils:findChildren in our code. The debugger stops there, never returns and I also get no error. Any ideas? Same with node:enumerateChildren(…).