3.17.1 FileUtil behavior changed?

Hi, this code works on previous version in windows but fail in 3.17.1

cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance ()->isFileExist (“config/app.json”)

The file is in located at ProjectDir/Resources/config/app.json

when I step through the code, fullPathForFilename returns “”

oh, ok I see the problem. The Resources folder in win32 has changed, now it needs to copy everything as Resources folder

What version of Cocos2d-x were you using before 3.17.1?

the version is 3.17

Thanks. Let me take a look in the morning. It seems weird we would have changed this.

Here are the notes: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/blob/v3/CHANGELOG

There are some FileUtils changes (use find).

Did you use the 3.17.1 branch or the v3 branch?

The specific entry you’re looking for is this:

Windows: improve binary folder structure, copy resources to “Resources/” folder

Prior to 3.17.1, the ‘Resources’ folder didn’t exist in the Win32 build output, so everything inside the development resource folder was copied to the binary folder (same level as the executable/library files). With 3.17.1, the ‘Resources’ folder is now a sub-folder in the build output folder, which is a much better structure.