3.0 beta2 Touch point problem on iPhone5 device

I felt touch point is little bit weird on iPhone5 device. I ran test-cpp on iPhone5.
And I felt this weird touch point phenomenon with Extentions Test > UISlider Test.
I should touch little bit below of control to move slider handle.
So, I made simple test code and ran it on iPhone5.
https://github.com/pyrasis/cocos2d-x/commit/1b928b5ed69c50d491cbd2200e29364ad799c724 (TouchPointTest branch)
this code draws cross line at touched point when the screen is touched.

I can’t touch specific area as attached images. I tried to touch edge of the screen(top, bottom, left, right) many times.


I can’t touch to draw lines in red rect.

It’s fine with iOS simulator.

IMG_1891.PNG (91.3 KB)

IMG_1892.PNG (101.4 KB)

touchpoint.png (53.8 KB)

I tested cocos2d-x 2.2.2 on iPhone5. version 2.2.2 does not have touch point problem.
But, version 3.0 series have touch point problem definitely.

this is important problem.
please review this issue.

Thanks for your feedback. I will check it.

Is it because iOS7 has edge detection for the bottom menu popup?

@dumganhar I think that the bottom menu popup is not relevant.

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我遇到了一样的问题,我的版本是2.1.5,我们项目已经上线了,现在 主推android, 马上就要推IOS了,请问这个问题怎么解决?