2.09 android build spine error

2.09에서 안드로이드 빌드시 spine “getAttachment” 에서 오류가 있습니다
웹에서는 문제 없이 작동합니다

English translation: There is an error in spine “getAttachment” at build time of Android 2.09
It works fine on the web

여기 많은 사람들이 한국을 읽을 것입니다. 영어를 쓸 수 있습니까?

I am so sorry. I posted it before I translated it in English.

I have a Spine problem

ex) 2.10 Spine
this.closeEyesSlot = this._skeleton.findSlot (“closed_eye”);
this.closeEyesSlot.getAttachment (). color.a = 0;

Works fine on Android build or web

ex) In 2.09,
this.closeEyesSlot.getAttachment (). color.a = 0;
getAttachment () <- This part does not work on Android build and I get an error

So I tried another.
this._skeleton.getAttachment (“closed_eye”, “a_closed_eye”). color.a = 0;

If I try this, I get an error.

NewProject_1.zip (977.3 KB)

I tested this api and it works all right.you can reference this project, if you still have any problem, pls give a demo to me

Thank you for your sample, but I tested it with your sample and it still does not change color when you build your Android. There is a lightweight way to test When testing the Browser->; Simulator in the Editor

ERROR: Uncaught TypeError: Can not set property ‘g’ of undefined, location: assets / NewScript.js: 0: 0

I get an error The color property itself does not appear

at native platform, we used spine C++ library, and at web platform we used spine.js
so it had some different between native and web.
the public apis are the same one, but private apis had different.
and some spine apis at native platform is not be packaged.

so, you need to binds and hack the spine c++ bindings, then you can use this api at native platform

we will unified use the spine c++ library in the future, but it will take a lot of time to code

I’ll wait for the next version.
I can only use it as an important feature for the apps I create.