YUYE'Tutorials(What kind of the tutorial do you want to learn and we'll make it for you)

Ok if I finish my first step basic tutorials. I’ll try to make it for you :slight_smile:
Jonah T wrote:

Maybe not the details of the inner workings of how it works, just an overall idea of how it works. What does what, and what problem may occur of not doing something the certain way.
Thank you for considering doing a tutorial for it. Looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

Hello I Found the tutorials about cocostudio from github. you can check it.
Fabio Cunha wrote:

Hi, I want to see tutorials about cocos studio. From basic to advanced.

Yes, I found your tutorial here which is very nice

But I believe the way is changed in version 3, right?
Thank you very much.

yuye liu wrote:

Okay I got it, in fact I made a tutorials for version 2. And I will make a demo and tutorial for you later._ thank you very much
psycohk - wrote:
> yuye liu wrote:
> > thank you for your advice. i made a simple toturial for you . about How to create a “Hello World” project. if you need to know more .just let me know.
> >
> > Here is the turorial:
> >
> > http://cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/43031
> >
> > psycohk - wrote:
> > > I would like to see if there is any tutorial to create simple cross platform native code calling (I think at first for Android and iOS) like video player.
> > > Following Cocosdension is too big…
> I am not sure if this is the reply for me.
> What I suggest would be for example calling JNI to access something like video player, web view etc. in native Java and MediaPlayer.framework in native Objective-C by means of a wrapper in the latest 3.0 beta version. Since the method of accessing native code has been changed (mainly on Android JNI)

ok I’ll find how to use Jni in version3 and give you a demo
psycohk - wrote:

Yes, I found your tutorial here which is very nice
But I believe the way is changed in version 3, right?
Thank you very much.
yuye liu wrote:
> Okay I got it, in fact I made a tutorials for version 2. And I will make a demo and tutorial for you later._ thank you very much
> psycohk - wrote:
> > yuye liu wrote:
> > > thank you for your advice. i made a simple toturial for you . about How to create a “Hello World” project. if you need to know more .just let me know.
> > >
> > > Here is the turorial:
> > >
> > > http://cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/43031
> > >
> > > psycohk - wrote:
> > > > I would like to see if there is any tutorial to create simple cross platform native code calling (I think at first for Android and iOS) like video player.
> > > > Following Cocosdension is too big…
> >
> > I am not sure if this is the reply for me.
> > What I suggest would be for example calling JNI to access something like video player, web view etc. in native Java and MediaPlayer.framework in native Objective-C by means of a wrapper in the latest 3.0 beta version. Since the method of accessing native code has been changed (mainly on Android JNI)

Thanks for this video tutorial, but I’m familiar with jsb :slight_smile: I just don’t know how to implement IAP in my game.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

yuye liu wrote:

I remember a very good video tutorial for jsb From basic to advanced.
here is the link
I hope it can help you to familiar with JSB
Tobias S wrote:
> Any :smiley:
> The best would be free and working with JSB.
> I’ve already started integrating Google AdMob with my game, but integrating IAP seems to be a little scary (I don’t know any).

Ok, I got it. which platform do you want to learn. how to integrating SDK first.

if you want to integrating SDK you should learn knowledge below:

1, how to use javascript binding for js communicate with c*+
2, if you want to perform you app in android. you need to learn what’s the jni for c*+ communicate with java.

3.if you target platform it is IOS. you need to learn how to communicate objective-c with c++ (this is easy)

so, I’ll give you the tutorial for javascript binding later.

Tobias S wrote:

Thanks for this video tutorial, but I’m familiar with jsb :slight_smile: I just don’t know how to implement IAP in my game.
Thanks! :slight_smile:
yuye liu wrote:
> I remember a very good video tutorial for jsb From basic to advanced.
> here is the link
> http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRtjMdoYXLf7Dr6Tp22eJoqt1Ha2k17ck
> I hope it can help you to familiar with JSB
> Tobias S wrote:
> > Any :smiley:
> > The best would be free and working with JSB.
> > I’ve already started integrating Google AdMob with my game, but integrating IAP seems to be a little scary (I don’t know any).

Can you write tutorial about using isomatric tile map in cocos2d-x?

Of course, I can make it for you in the tutorials’ list order.:slight_smile:
Maxym Shustov wrote:

Can you write tutorial about using isomatric tile map in cocos2d-x?

psycohk - wrote:

yuye liu wrote:
> thank you for your advice. i made a simple toturial for you . about How to create a “Hello World” project. if you need to know more .just let me know.
> Here is the turorial:
> http://cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/43031
> psycohk - wrote:
> > I would like to see if there is any tutorial to create simple cross platform native code calling (I think at first for Android and iOS) like video player.
> > Following Cocosdension is too big…
I am not sure if this is the reply for me.
What I suggest would be for example calling JNI to access something like video player, web view etc. in native Java and MediaPlayer.framework in native Objective-C by means of a wrapper in the latest 3.0 beta version. Since the method of accessing native code has been changed (mainly on Android JNI)

If you want to know how to use JNI, you can refer to the implementation of CocosDension: cocos/audio/android/jni/

Tobias S wrote:

I would like to see tutorials about integration with Ads, IAP, social plugins etc.

You can refer to cocos2d-x/plugin/samples.

Jonah T wrote:

I would like to see tutorials about assetmanager. How it works and how to use them. A sample code/project would be great.
Tutorials about HttpClient would be nice also. How it contrast with the assetmanager. I wanted to use both but I have little knowledge about them and I don’t really know how to use them.
Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

There is a project named AssetsManagerTest in cocos2d-x/samples/Cpp/AssetsManagerTest.

hi, our programmer use cocos2d-x to develop games,and now will add facebook sdk, but don’t find any fine and detailed documention to use. Would you like to help me write a tutorial for how to add facebook SDK with cocos2d-x? Thanks a lot. And i have email to you. I appreciate if you could help us.

OK, I’m working on it. and Here is my TODO-LIST this week the future:

you can check it for you tutorials

linda Lee wrote:

hi, our programmer use cocos2d-x to develop games,and now will add facebook sdk, but don’t find any fine and detailed documention to use. Would you like to help me write a tutorial for how to add facebook SDK with cocos2d-x? Thanks a lot. And i have email to you. I appreciate if you could help us.

oh, i just checked ur todo-list, but don’t find cocos2d-x add fb sdk for ios. I wanna get one about that. But i only see how to add fb sdk for android with cocos2d-x. and do u have a documention in Chinese? only in english?

I’m sorry for you witting the tutorial.
In fact. I’m working on it. But, tutorial writing just my part time job. I had many others work doing everyday. But I’ll try my best to my promise. So I really thanks for you focus on my job.:slight_smile:

Then if you want to use fb api in cocos2d-x. you must know cocos2d-x have not have any api for fb. we need to integrate the fb-SDKs for every original platforms.

And learn how to communicate c++ with others’ languages(java , objective-c or c# etc)

So, I will make the how to integrate the fb-SDK in cocos2d-x for android.

linda Lee wrote:

oh, i just checked ur todo-list, but don’t find cocos2d-x add fb sdk for ios. I wanna get one about that. But i only see how to add fb sdk for android with cocos2d-x. and do u have a documention in Chinese? only in english?

I updated the tutorial “How to connect C++ and Java with JNI and Refresh GUI safely” for V3.X. please check it out.
psycohk - wrote:

yuye liu wrote:

thank you for your advice. i made a simple toturial for you . about How to create a “Hello World” project. if you need to know more .just let me know.

Here is the turorial:


psycohk - wrote:

I would like to see if there is any tutorial to create simple cross platform native code calling (I think at first for Android and iOS) like video player.
Following Cocosdension is too big…

I am not sure if this is the reply for me.
What I suggest would be for example calling JNI to access something like video player, web view etc. in native Java and MediaPlayer.framework in native Objective-C by means of a wrapper in the latest 3.0 beta version. Since the method of accessing native code has been changed (mainly on Android JNI)

Please make a tutorial for how to switch between native view (like ios uiviewcontrollor etc) and cocos2d-html5 cc.scene. Many thanks

Thank you for you advise. I’ll think about it
Emmy Chen wrote:

Please make a tutorial for how to switch between native view (like ios uiviewcontrollor etc) and cocos2d-html5 cc.scene. Many thanks

You have many nice tutorials. Thank you for doing them for the community.

I would like to request a basic tutorial for the 3.0 Beta. One that shows:
Creating a scene / layer
Loading a sprite / simple movement
Loading a sprite sheet / simple animation

The 3.0 docs are not updated and reading the tests can be difficult for new C++ programmers.

Thank you yuye!

How about a tutorial on using Google Play Services?