Xcode 8.3.3 Errors - Incomplete Types, forward declaration

I updated Xcode to version 8.3.3 and I am getting some weirds errors on the classes when using ValueVector and Maps (Not in all the classes)

This are some of the errors:

Member access into incomplete type 'ValueVector' (aka 'vector<cocos2d::Value>')

Also the autocomplete doesn’t work for ValueVector and Maps.

The weird thing is that the game compile and works.

I downgraded to Xcode 8.3.2 and it works.

Is this a bug in Xcode or something related to cocos2d-x and also Xcode?

Example of the errors:


I used Xcode 8.3.3 to run cpp-tests on simulator, there is not problem. As your issue, i think it is because you don’t include correct header file.