[wp8] Blank green screen, release mode, debug mode fine..

Hi There,

I have been developing my game on the Windows Phone 8 devices in VS2012 as debug(ARM). I am happy with the game and wanted to release it so I created a release build and I am greeted with a blank green screen and in the console I can see CCLog(…) messages going through. The app is “running” through the logic but I see and hear nothing but a blank green screen image.

I can not upload a debug version of the app to the Windows Phone marketplace, because it validates a barfs on the debug versions the xap is built with…

1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:?egptr?$basic_streambufDU?$char_traits@D@std@std@@IBAPADXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly Cocos2dWindowsPhone.dll. Update it and then try again.
Someone out there please throw me a life line and suggest something, anything, in the way of ideas that would get past this green screen issue and get me finished with this app. Its already in the iOS app store I just want the Windows Phone version out.



I had the same problem before removing NDEBUG from preprocessor definitions. Now I have some half transparent “layer” on the top of background which is green in release and grey in debug builds. But it disappears if I stop Visual Studio debugger and launch the game from the list of installed applications.

Regan Russell wrote:

Hi There,
I have been developing my game on the Windows Phone 8 devices in VS2012 as debug(ARM). I am happy with the game and wanted to release it so I created a release build and I am greeted with a blank green screen and in the console I can see CCLog(…) messages going through. The app is “running” through the logic but I see and hear nothing but a blank green screen image.
I can not upload a debug version of the app to the Windows Phone marketplace, because it validates a barfs on the debug versions the xap is built with…
> 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:?egptr?$basic_streambufDU?$char_traits@D@std@std@@IBAPADXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly Cocos2dWindowsPhone.dll. Update it and then try again.
Someone out there please throw me a life line and suggest something, anything, in the way of ideas that would get past this green screen issue and get me finished with this app. Its already in the iOS app store I just want the Windows Phone version out.

I ran into the same issue, any more, not only debug mode, but also release mode, it was blank screen…

Having the same problem, green screen in release mode.

did anyone find a solution?? i have the same problem

Muhammad Saad wrote:

did anyone find a solution?? i have the same problem

I went through hell trying to make every freaking build option and bit of code matched what was in the examples.
I eventually got it to a point where there was no sound in release mode and sound in debug, on the device and on the simulator.

I am not exactly sure what fixed it, but I went through everything with a fine tooth comb and set every build option exactly the same including getting rid of the NDEBUG pre processor. I sat with Microsoft employee in the cafeteria of the regional Microsoft building we he could not find anything either. Hours and hours of debugging and stepping through the Cocos2D-x code and could not work out why there is no sound on Release mode on WP8. But otherwise I got the graphics working.

I released the app on the store with no sound. No one on these forums could help me either and I couldn’t work out how to lodge a cocos2d-x ticket.

My most popular app since WP8 was released (something like 9 months now) has about 300 downloads in 9 months. Just one of my iOS had 345 downloads on it first full day. 9 months worth of downloads in a single day says everything about WP8 for me. I don’t think there serious or they’re executing very poorly. I have run out of energy for this


Regan Russell wrote:

Muhammad Saad wrote:
> did anyone find a solution?? i have the same problem
I went through hell trying to make every freaking build option and bit of code matched what was in the examples.
I eventually got it to a point where there was no sound in release mode and sound in debug, on the device and on the simulator.
I am not exactly sure what fixed it, but I went through everything with a fine tooth comb and set every build option exactly the same including getting rid of the NDEBUG pre processor. I sat with Microsoft employee in the cafeteria of the regional Microsoft building we he could not find anything either. Hours and hours of debugging and stepping through the Cocos2D-x code and could not work out why there is no sound on Release mode on WP8. But otherwise I got the graphics working.
I released the app on the store with no sound. No one on these forums could help me either and I couldn’t work out how to lodge a cocos2d-x ticket.
My most popular app since WP8 was released (something like 9 months now) has about 300 downloads in 9 months. Just one of my iOS had 345 downloads on it first full day. 9 months worth of downloads in a single day says everything about WP8 for me. I don’t think there serious or they’re executing very poorly. I have run out of energy for this

I tried my wip in release mode wp8, and its weird, running it on a L920 directly through visual studio 2012, there is no sound, if I exit then run the game from the menu, sound comes on. Have a try

Another update on this, make sure the usb is unplugged from the pc, it also appears to be very random, sometimes it works sometimes it does’nt, sometimes the sound has added bass too lol! so dodgy.

I have HTC-8X, removing NDEBUG via Cocos2dWindowsPhone project properties->preprocessor deifinitions makes the release version to work but the the debug version does not. so i always put NDEBUG back in case i want to debug. However i always have halfscreen as seen in the attachment. my guess ins the function setViewPortInPoints in CCEGLView_win8_metro.cpp is doing wrong calcualtions.

void CCEGLView::setViewPortInPoints(float x, float y, float w, float h)
    float factor = m_fScreenScaleFactor / CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
    factor = 1.0f;
        (int)(x * factor * m_fWinScaleX) + m_rcViewPort.left,
        (int)(y * factor * m_fWinScaleY) + m_rcViewPort.top,
        (int)(w * factor * m_fWinScaleX),
        (int)(h * factor * m_fWinScaleY));

I will keep trying a number of options but your help is need