WP8 2.1 Curl lib now compiled and working!

there is something wrong in my project

Sorry about that, we are not support libcurl in cocos2d-x master branch, nor in the 2.2.2 too. Only in myselfā€™s branch, you can use it here: [[https://github.com/koowolf/cocos2d-x/tree/curl]], have not merge it yet.

Hi Ryan,

is your port of Curl, with openssl available in Git ?

Argas wrote:

unigame wrote:

there is something wrong in my project

same problems, and even moreā€¦)

Is there working solution of curl lib for windows phone?

Okey, in link above says that libcurl was added to cocos. I could use CCHttpRequest, but the class CCHttpClient has no implementation for wp8: there is LINK error in project. I canā€™t still use libcurl. Iā€™ve described problems in this post: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/46323

@blakey87 is the curl wp8 Release Mode work now?

I used libcurl and other libs in project and everything is working but there is a problem with uploading XAP to Dev Portal. Iā€™ve got these error:

1028: The native API libcurl.dll:curl_easy_cleanup() isnā€™t allowed in assembly libcocos2d.dll. Update it and then try again.

1028: The native API libcurl.dll:curl_slist_free_all() isnā€™t allowed in assembly libcocos2d.dll. Update it and then try again.

1028: The native API libcurl.dll:curl_easy_setopt() isnā€™t allowed in assembly libcocos2d.dll. Update it and then try again.

1028: The native API libcurl.dll:curl_easy_escape() isnā€™t allowed in assembly libcocos2d.dll. Update it and then try again.

1028: The native API libcurl.dll:curl_easy_init() isnā€™t allowed in assembly libcocos2d.dll. Update it and then try again.

1028: The native API libcurl.dll:curl_easy_getinfo() isnā€™t allowed in assembly libcocos2d.dll. Update it and then try again.

1028: The native API libcurl.dll:curl_easy_perform() isnā€™t allowed in assembly libcocos2d.dll. Update it and then try again.

1028: The native API libcurl.dll:curl_slist_append() isnā€™t allowed in assembly libcocos2d.dll. Update it and then try again.

I have suspicion that the problem is related to debug version of libcurl.

Can you please add release versions?

Thank you a lot.

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how to add dll files in cocos2dx android project.
Im using eclipse. please help