[WindowsPhone 8] How to enable scalling to different resolutions in cocos2dx-win8


I’m trying to port my game to WindowsPhone 8 using cocos2dx-win8 and wp8 branch

I’ve noticed that my game works well only on WVGA emulator, if I switch to either WXGA or 720p emulators the graphics does not scale it is located in one of the corner, but the touch positions are recalculated ok.

If I change scale to 1.5f or 1.6f it looks ok, but the touch points does not work they are scalled to some strange values.

How shall I setup design resolutions and scale for each of these three emulator settings?

Kind greagrd,


I think this is because the multi-resolution support came in for 2.x, but the Windows Phone 8 port is still on 1.x APIs. I don’t know when 2.x support is going to happen, but according to this thread (http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/6/topics/15564?r=21486) it’s a work-in-progress.


You might get some help here: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/6/topics/18789?r=18987#message-18987