Windows release build

Hi guys,

Im getting an error on a release build for window32.
Previously, in debug build its working perfectly. I tried to place the debug build into a new folder with the required dlls.
When i test it on another computer it says it have an error with msvcp100D.dl. when i dl it and tries to solve it, it gives another error by saying the objects or some debug data is not found.

I believe the debug .exe is not meant to be used standalone. Thus i tried compiling the release build of it with all the dlls.
But now it just keep crashing, without any other kinds of error message.

Any ideas, how i should pack a windows build?

Step 1 - Make sure your “Release” configuration is setup correctly in Configuration Manager. Screenshot attached.

Step 2 - Make sure you didn’t apply important settings like your C*+ Command Line and so forth in Debug mode only
Step 3 - Everything is compiling and coming out in the output directories you configured in Property Pages and you’re having trouble running the application? Now go to “Debugging” under Property pages in Visual Studio — what you are missing is the startup configuration.
You said “When I test it on another computer” — did you have the Resources folder correctly deployed? Did you set the Working Directory? Is your application expecting Command Arguments?
msvcp100D — This is the C*+ runtime library dll. You’ve used the debug version, which won’t be found in a user’s computer. Compile your program in release mode. This will add a dependency in MSVCP100.dll, which is most likely to be present.

In any case, you must make sure that the dll will be present in user’s machine. You can do that by creating an installer or by prompting the user to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package:

If you have Visual Studio Profession, it can export a Installer Package. If you are using Express, the link above is what you will use.