Windows Phone Performance

WP8 perfomance issue!

Hello everyone!

I have a such problem. We have a game in cocos2d-x and marmalade which works on iOS and android well and has 55-60 fps. Now i`m porting it to the wp8. We have decided to make it nativly. So i took the wp8 version on cocos2d-x. When i rewrote app the fps issue emerged! We have only 25-30fps in the game and about 17fps in the main menu (there are a lot items to render). The problem is in the rendering it`s very slow:( Please help me, give me a hint how i can speed up my game! Thanks to everyone!:slight_smile:

First run game in any profiler to find answers for 2 questions:
* How much percents from overall execution time takes rendering code (function CCNode::visit(), CCNode::draw and others)?
* Is there some feature that takes more time than others? (E.g CCRenderTexture can be slower on android; CCLabelTTF can drop perfomance if text updated too often - each text update causes texture regeneration).

Thanks, I will check it! But before it I will move to the branch with second version of cocos2d-x. In the the game there no CCRenderTexture objects and CCLabelTTF objects are not recreating very ofthen. I don`t think that issue is there.