Windows phone back key support...

How does one make that work…?

the back key function implement in 2.2.3 now. Thanks.

em,no it doesn’t… and it doesn’t work on android either…

I overloaded the keybackclicked method in the layer,and i also did: this->setkeypadenbled(true) and it did nothing…

Add this code in OnBackButtonPressed in your GameName.cpp in proj.wp8 folder

void GameName::OnBackButtonPressed(Object^ sender, BackPressedEventArgs^ args) { // Leave args->Handled set to false and the app will quit when user presses the back button on the phone //args->Handled = false; CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getKeypadDispatcher()->dispatchKeypadMSG( ccKeypadMSGType::kTypeBackClicked ); args->Handled = true; }

So if setKeypadEnabled is true, void keyBackClicked() will be called in your scene

thank you,finally it works

Thanks hitvan, I add some comment codes to let other develops to konw this problem. #4412, pr:

use that for Issue

hope its good to you