Windows Phone 8 back button handling

I need some help with the back button handling on WP8.
I checked out the solution on the news of cocos2d-x for wp8 v2.0 preview.
I updated the CCApplicaiton_win8_metro.cpp file as stated

Now the part that I’m stuck on is the implementation on my scene.
according the post on my scene I added the following


bool BackbuttonDelegate();


public BackbuttonDelegate

and the delegate function

bool mainmenuscene::onBackPressed(bool result)
if (ActiveAlert == 0)
return true;

I keep getting error on the onBackPressed call. and I don’t understand where or what is ActiveAlert and why its been checked to equal 0.
and backhomeA.?

if anyone can clarified this for me … thanks…

Did you find the solution to this ?