Windows Phone 8.1 Projects

Hey All,

The current Windows Phone project included in Cocos2d-x is for Windows Phone 8.0. The problem is that projects targeted as WP8.0 do not support a bunch of new C++ features including Initializer Lists.

I have tried several times to upgrade these projects to WP8.1, but apparently it will cause some project configurations to break and thus it will not compile anymore. Can anyone provide a functional Windows Phone 8.1 or Windows 8.1 universal project template?



Any news about this one? I am also trying to retarget cocos solution to 8.1 since I really need enhanced C++ 11 support but I am struggling with the amount of compile problems that it creates.

Have you been able to retarget your solution?

I haven’t been able to fix it. I tried many stuff and I was able to make it compile by mixing all projects (libCocos, etc) into one project, but eventually I ran into a runtime error that had something to do with the libEGL DLL file. It crashes while trying to load the game engine in the C# part.

It is really annoying that the people responsible for the Windows part are not responding to this. I have seen at different places people asking this question, but no one answers. I am pretty sure converting a project is not a big deal for the person who knows what is what in the Windows port of Cocos2d-x.

Please let me know if you were able to make any progress.

Any updates here? I would also like to see Windows phone 8.1 support (due to the improved C++11 compiler)
Updating the *.csproj files is doable (although not fun at all), but getting all of the dependencies was just too much for me.

Help anyone? :smile: