Windows 7 64 bit problem-create-android-project

Dear friends,
I have tried many ways to create android project in windows 7 64 bit system…
but not getting it working…i am getting path regarding errors for android sdk tools and others regarding same…i have updated SDKROOT,NDKROOT,CYGBIN path in create-android-project.bat …
Please if anybody can help it will be very much helpful to me…



ADVISE: In order to avoid security related problems, do all the actions with a user with administrator permissions, and when running commands, make sure to open the console as an administrator.
Also, if using Cygwin on Windows 7 x64, you need to change the permissions of the cocos2d-x folder and files, to do this the easiest way is to right click on cocos2d-x folder Properties->Security and here under the groups and usernames click edit and from here set full control to your user .

Thank you for reply…I have tried the same and getting error like this in command prompt…

Please enter your package path. For example: org.cocos2dx.example:org.exampletes
Please enter your project name:VirajProj
“Now cocos2d-x suppurts Android 2.1-update1, 2.2, 2.3 & 3.0”
“Other versions have not tested.”
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
The system cannot find the path specified.
Please input target id:

Means it is not displaying android versions…I have set android sdk path.
I have set all paths according to the link but still getting this error…

And if i enter any id then it will give error like this…
/usr/bin/bash: : No such file or directory

Do you have any idea about it…
I have done the same in 32 bit and it worked…

I have attached create-android-project.bat file also…

Now if i create project with the through cygwin then project is created but at the time of build i am getting improper output(i have attached screenshot)…

My was created at the root directory(in…but i have moved it to jni folder just like the HelloWorld sample and its content are same as of HelloWorld…

I have tried many ways but not getting much…If anybody can help me then it will be very much helpful…

Ok…i have found the solution…i am posting so if anybody facing the same problem can get help…

First need to create-project from .sh not .bat in cygwin
Second move helloworld,, to the folder(jni will need to create manually)
Third the most important in need to add App platform like
APP_PLATFORM := android-9 (where android-9 is in my case)…
Fourth build with clean…(./ clean)…

And that should work…

NDK used : android ndk r7b
Cocos2dx used : cocos2dx 2.0 rc2

Viraj Dasondi wrote:

Ok…i have found the solution…i am posting so if anybody facing the same problem can get help…
First need to create-project from .sh not .bat in cygwin
Second move helloworld,, to the folder(jni will need to create manually)
Third the most important in need to add App platform like
APP_PLATFORM := android-9 (where android-9 is in my case)…
Fourth build with clean…(./ clean)…
And that should work…
NDK used : android ndk r7b
Cocos2dx used : cocos2dx 2.0 rc2

I have the same problem that you have with the .bat. However, the .sh file fails with:

Don’t run in cygwin. You should run corresponding bat.

Catch-22 :slight_smile:

Aha! As I have spaces, I had put quotes around the *CYGBIN,*ANDROIDTOOLS, and *NDKROOT. After I removed the quotes, it seems to have worked fine.
This is what my definitions look like now in create-android-project.bat to illustrate, if this can help anyone:

set*CYGBIN=c:if not exist “_CYGBIN” echo Couldn’t find Cygwin at “_CYGBIN” & pause & exit 4

:: modify it to work under your environment
set _ANDROIDTOOLS=D:Files (x86)~~sdk\tools
if not exist “_ANDROIDTOOLS” echo Couldn’t find android sdk tools at “_ANDROIDTOOLS” & pause & exit 5
:: modify it to work under your environment
set _NDKROOT=D:~~ndk-r8b
if not exist “_NDKROOT” echo Couldn’t find ndk at “_NDKROOT” & pause & exit 6
