Window phone 8.1 Universal - Advertising

Hi, I am using cocos2d-x version 3.5 and 3.8.1, Now I want to integrate ads into my game by ussing admob or MS ads. But seem now it’s have no C# code, the project proj.win8.1-universal have only pure C++ code, so I cannot integrate C# library.
I have search about this very many times, but still have no idea.
Anyone have any solution to do that? Tks.

Can anyone help me?
I have no idea to using adverting in wp8.1 Universal or win10 with cocos2d-x

Do you still want to implement it? I have just integrated Microsoft Ads (banner + video interstitial) in cocos2dx v3.x (c++).

It is interesting to me. Perhaps in the future will be useful.

After a couple of days in the wp store I noticed a lot of crashes :frowning: I think this is because of the m$ ads: . Currently I have removed ads from my app in Windows Phone and will see. For now I don’t recommend integration with m$ ads in wp8.1 (w10 - not tested yet, maybe it works better). Additionally, fillrate is really, but really bad - for banners it is around 30% and for videos it is less than 2% :/).

Unfortunately, there is no alternative for ads in windows phone c++ cocos project :frowning: I found only vungle videos (not tested yet). I think I am going to try to use c# dll from e.g. smaato with c++, but… I am not sure if it work well :confused: So, the only choice may be to use some REST api from ad network or… just leave it and focus on android and ios :frowning: