(WIN8) a virtual destructor with 'internal' accessibility is not allowed for this type

I just downloaded the cocos2d-x for windows 8
When i try the hello world sample i get this build error in visual studio 2012
Any idea what to do to solve it?

Error 2 error C2031: a virtual destructor with ‘internal’ accessibility is not allowed for this type (…2dx\platform\win8_metro\CCApplication_win8_metro.cpp) c:studio 2012\projects\helloworld-cocos2d\cocos2dx\platform\win8_metro\dxtextpainter.h 48 1 HelloWorld

This is the problematic code:

ref class DXTextPainter

My setup compiles and runs without any problems. Although it wouldn’t seem like it, I wonder if the project path/location is a problem.

I have Win8 x86 RTM enterprise trial, VS 2012 Pro RTM trial, latest Cocos2d Win8 Metro branch from Github.
Unzipped to c:Did not do the setup install as described in the how-to.

I was having the same problem.

I’ve changed it to:

ref class DXTextPainter
        virtual ~DXTextPainter();

And it compiles

In prior versions of this metro branch, I needed to adjust stuff like this. But in the current version, everything works for me. Looking at the class I have, there is no destruction destructor now.