Will Windows Phone 8 be included in the cocos2dx development roadmap?


I’ve seen that wp8 is supported, but I’ve seen the comments to the post, and it seems it has several critical bugs.

Will cocos2dx for wp8 be updated with the same frequency than the iOS / Android version or not? That’s an important information to know, since it can imply to use or not the platform to make games for wp8. It might be risky to use an unsupported version of the engine.


I know that wp8 port is not stable currently. And as you said, there’s a risk to use it.
For short term goal, I’m looking for a full time dx11 expert to maintain wp8 port in the core team.
For long term goal, we’re discussing with Zynga to split a renderer interface, and wrap opengles2.0 vs. direct11 like platform adaptor, in this way we can MERGE wp8 support in to main repository.

Another choice is this https://code.google.com/p/angleproject/issues/detail?id=363, angle project just announced its support to dx11 today. I haven’t dig deeply into angle project.

thanks for the clarification! are you looking for a professional in China? I know a dx MVP