Wiki Improvements and Suggestions

Please use this topic to suggest Wiki improvements and report issues with Wiki content.


It would be very helpful if it could be done? A flow chart(same as program been converted into flow chart) explaining general functions and basic concepts been used in a simple cocos2d-x game.

This one is TBD since long time.

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@catch_up Thanks. I am looking into various ways to format the Wiki. I’ll look at the Node Page.

A complete hierarchy diagram of all the classes used in cocos2d-x as a whole.

Now we get (say) MoveBy is an action so we get only the hierarchy diagram in pieces.
I need to have a full hierarchy diagram of the entire cocos2d-x and these are present within them.

It would create a generalized idea.
Please do it. :smile:

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Hi, I’m new to cocos and every version I download I see setup cocos and create new project workflow is changing and the doc for that is outdated some folder doesnt exist in doc. please make an updated doc for installing with each release.


You should follow the tutorials on the Wiki:

Usage of Container Layer is outdated. Everywhere where it uses LAYOUT_LINEAR_VERTICAL as the enum format, it should be Layout::Type::VERTICAL.

Nice catch @Jgod

Another thing I’ve noticed is instead of prefixed class names (UILayout), it’s now handled by namespace (ui::Layout).

wont work:

  • undefined reference to ‘cocos2d::network::HttpClient::getInstance()’
    • undefined reference to

also I must use

#include "network/HttpClient.h"
using namespace cocos2d::network;

to make some error messages go away.

I know you’re probably already on it, but for Plugin-X I think the code snippet

jint JNI_OnLoad
 PluginJniHelper::setJavaVM; // for plugins
 return JNI_VERSION_1_4;

should be

jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)
    PluginJniHelper::setJavaVM(vm); // for plugins
    return JNI_VERSION_1_4;

I think you are correct. I’ll pass it along, just in case. Thanks!

It needs to be clear on every Wiki which versino it applies to
I notice that
is outdated (I presume for V2.x) but also some of the text is crossed out - very confusing especially as this is one of the first pages a new user may come across.

If possible I would adopt a similar process to microsoft, where the documentation shows which version it applies to, but also allows the user to drop down a list of other version to see the appropriate page for that version


Please integrate the description of the physics classes, member functions etc in the api documentation by the final release of the cocos2d-x 3.2.


@walzer @slackmoehrle

@pabitrapadhy Can you tell me which classes you are seeing no description for? I just looked at PhysicsBody, PhysicsWorld, PhysicsContact, PhysicsShape and so far all of those are documented.

.cc @walzer
is still TBD

I’ll put this in the queue.

no i was talking about the description of the methods in the physics engine classes…
but i find it to be fixed by now.

but last time i saw… it wasn’t there… so i posted in a hurry…

thanks @slackmoehrle for responding to my post… :smile:

Is it possible to add some dropdown items to the forum reply ??

like cocos2d-x version.

most of the problems in the forums are clueless which delays the help delivered to them
however we cannot make people to adopt this habbit any soon.
why not have this in the forum as an added functionality.

Sounds fair… ??