Why can't I install sdkbox?

I’m going to update latest sdkbox version.
So I use sdkbox installer I already download.
Ex: sdkbox_installer/sdkbox import chartboost

But I get following error.

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Copyright © 2015 Chukong Technologies Inc. v0.5.6.11

CRC check failed 0xbdd8644c != 0x281ae9cfL
Installation failed :frowning:

So I download sdkbox installer again and run, but it’s same still.
I could run it well before.

How to do I ?

If you are downloading from China, please use, because it’s very slow to connect to the amazon server from china, thus the CRC error I believe.

sdkbox import chartboost --china

Also I created a sample IAP to help you integrate.

MacBook-Pro:Game Abc$ sdkbox import chartboost

CRC check failed 0x37a20942 != 0x64854cb7L
Installation failed :frowning:

But if I run the command –
MacBook-Pro:Game Abc$ sdkbox list

its shows the path like below–
sdkbox-chartboost_v1.2.1.0.tar.gz installed as /Users/Abc/.sdkbox/plugins/sdkbox-chartboost_v1.2.1.0.tar.gz

After that error I import IAP and IAP is successfully done.
I am not from china…how to remove the path and freshly import chartboost.
Thank you!!

delete the directory ~/.sdkbox

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Ok, I fixed it.

Or force download.