Who Wants Cocos2d-x 3D Tutorial Series?

that would be useful, we are looking into creating a podcast for developers and we could cover game system design on that perhaps.

Thank you very much for your answer. I will wait for your tutorials. =)

And I mean English subtitles. I used it when I watched video about multi resolutions support, and a couple of times when I watched video about Cocos Helper. In other cases it was clear without subtitles.

OK, we will look into actually creating written tutorials alongside it.

any update???

It is coming. This amazing community has evolved so much over the past couple of years with loads of new addition like Cocos Creator. We are making sure we get the course right.

how much more time will it take?

ATM we are creating a “Modern OpenGL” tutorial series and a “Creating A Modern OpenGL Game Engine” VLOG series but it is defo on our list of tutorials to do.

Here are the OpenGL tutorials that I mentioned above:

What about Cocos2d-x 3D tutorial series?

It will depend on how these tutorials come along but feel free to post any questions you have on our education platform sonarlearning.co.uk

Or they can continue to post questions here, on our official forums.

I want 3d android js, i want VR 3d android js, please SonarSystem :laughing: , :kissing_smiling_eyes: I learn cocos2d js youtube Sonar Systems


If it’s directed more towards us then sonarlearning is probably best and if it’s more cocos only then these forums.

Another happy customer :smiley:

We will try out upmost to deliver what the community wants.