Which IDE is recommend when using cocos2d-html5? Could Dreamweaver cs5.5 be?

which IDE is recommend when using cocos2d-html5? Could Dreamweaver cs5.5 be?
and i want to ask if there is a tool to help us typing code with cocos2d-html ?
请问用cocos2dhtml5引擎,推荐使用Dreamweaver cs5.5吗?请问有工具代码提示吗?你们都用什么IDE?

I am use JetBrains WebStorm - http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/
I like it. :slight_smile:

I also recommend WebStorm.


I could do with your help!

I’m an experienced programmer in terms of wpf/silverlight using c# and vb.

I really like webstorm 7 as it’s quite like visual studio! I’d really like to use cocos2d-html5. However, I’m really struggling to get webstorm 7 and cocos2d-html5 to work together. I have imported the cocos2d into my project and the intellisense works fine but I can’t seem to get them to actually run anything?

Could anyone help me out? Maybe attach a very basic example webstorm project using cocos2d-html5 that actually runs!

Here’s a previous discussion on the topic:

I’m currently using Notepad++ and Scripted, and here’s an example of using webstorm: