which IDE for windows 8.1 - visual studio 2013/2012 ?

I have cocos2d-x v2.2.2 and I am new to cocos2d. I aspire to develop games for iOS, android, windows store, web browsers, and may be MAC OS and PC desktop.
Since, I am new I would have to follow tutorials. So, to match with those tutorials and also according to the build of cocos2d-x v2.2.2 which IDE should I use visual studio ultimate 2012/Visual Studio ultimate 2013. I’ve student key for both.
Also, I am using windows 8.1
I’ll be developing in C++.

Use 2013

@SonarSystems wrote:

Use 2013

Thanks btw… But was there any specific reason…

It will work with 2012 but future proof and newer features, unless you have a need to use 2012 use 2013 :smiley: