Which Cocos2d-x SDK I should use to start a new game?

Hi! I have a little question! I’m starting a new game for a client, it’s something very simple. It’s like this game [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m80MRt0AHms&feature=youtu.be&desktop_uri=2Fwatch3Fv%3Dm80MRt0AHms%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&app=desktop]]

I need to make it multiplatform between Android Phones/Tablets and iPhone/iPad.
Also, I had experience in Cocos2d-iPhone.

Which SDK I should use, 2.2.1 or 3.0 alpha1?


So? can somebody help me with that? thanks!

go with cocos2d-x 2.2 for now and once you are comfortable with everything move over to 3.0.Since it will be difficult to find good tutorials with 3.0 for now and other build issues