When rendering with CCTextureAtlas, I tried to change the color but failed.

Is it intended? I find it working fine in CCParticleSystemAtlas.

Modifing verticles or texture rects will be fine, just color won’t do.

Are you sure? I just tried it and it works.

CCLabelAtlas * atlas = CCLabelAtlas::create( "Test Atlas", "charmap.plist" );
atlas -> setPosition( 200, 200 );
atlas -> setColor( ccc3( 0, 255, 0 ) );
this -> addChild( atlas );

Above code turns my text into green, which is originally white.

Lance Gray wrote:

Are you sure? I just tried it and it works.
Above code turns my text into green, which is originally white.

Thanks! I got it now, I’m just using a wrong shader program.
I used kCCShader_PositionTexture and it should be kCCShader_PositionTexture_uColor