When Release 3.14

How to disable multi touch in 3.14

Check out your RootViewController::loadView

// Enable or disable multiple touches
[eaglView setMultipleTouchEnabled:NO];

I use VS 2017 RC only for test and work fine.
Just change in all solutions (libcocs2d, libbox2d, …) in your project windows SDK version from 8.1 to 10.
Testing with cocos3.11.1 and 3.14

It would be good to have immediate notification about new cocos version not once in a month. I think developers want to know when new version is out.

Also I have suggestion to change cocos2d-x bundled default icon and launch images - something little bit improved - it would have more fresh looks when developing - because now already borring to see that default cocos icon for 3+ years and ussualy when I see default icon it means I did something wrong:) So like you did promo first page would be nice to adjust cocos icon to this colors in build.

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We announce on the blog, forums, Facebook, twitter. What else do you have in mind?

email notification, in blog and forum I’m not receiving notifications due there is no such functionality for new posts. Facebook sometimes can hide news and show it to late. Twitter not using. So best way is to send email with this info :slight_smile:

We won’t email blast probably.

Turn in your notifications in your profile here. I always get emails everyday about every post.

I think ti should be email notification, in case you could make option to make checkbox in profile to receive such important notifications. I think new cocos2d-x release is most importrant what could happen there and everyone is interested in this and this happens not that frequent so it will not overspam users.

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Let me look into what options we have with Discourse.

Good idea!
If you do not like the current icon, then how you feel when you see cocos2d-x/tests/cpp-tests/Resources/ ?

I always wondered if the team has his own designer for the main page promos or you are always hire a person for a one-time job? I do not find a job, I just wonder.

We share a designer that works for Chukong

There are notifications that you can set.
Perhaps we can add something custom

Thanks for the answer! :slight_smile: