When deriving from CCTargetedTouchDelegate I get cannot instantiate abstract class compile error

This error is wierd because I dont get this problem on my computer at work.

I brought the solution home with me to work on it and imported the classes into a new project and now I get this error message:

error C2259: 'VButton' : cannot instantiate abstract class
error C2259: 'VPad' : cannot instantiate abstract class

Both these classes inherit from CCTargetedTouchDelegate.

An example of the output while compiling these classes, I get:

1>c:\users\marc\desktop\cocos2d\siftheads\classes\tools\vpad\vpad_constructors.cpp(5) : error C2259: 'VPad' : cannot instantiate abstract class
1>        due to following members:
1>        'void cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate::touchDelegateRetain(void)' : is abstract
1>        c:\users\marc\desktop\cocos2d\cocos2dx\include\cctouchdelegateprotocol.h(77) : see declaration of 'cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate::touchDelegateRetain'
1>        'void cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate::touchDelegateRelease(void)' : is abstract
1>        c:\users\marc\desktop\cocos2d\cocos2dx\include\cctouchdelegateprotocol.h(78) : see declaration of 'cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate::touchDelegateRelease'

Here is my class decleration for the VPad. It may help find reasons why I’m getting this error. But what I find strange is that I do not get this error on my computer at work.

#ifndef __VPAD_H__
#define __VPAD_H__

#include "cocos2d.h"
using namespace cocos2d;

#include "../../Resources.h"
#include "../../GlobalSettings.h"

class VPad: public CCNode, public CCTargetedTouchDelegate


    static VPad* InitVPad();

    virtual void onEnter();
    virtual void onExit();  

    //Desctructor and constructor
    virtual ~VPad();

    virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch* touch, CCEvent* event);  //Called when the screen is touched
    virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch* touch, CCEvent* event);  //Called when the thumpad is released
    virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch* touch, CCEvent* event);  //Called when the thumpad is moved

    void SetRadiusForThumbpad(float radius);  //Sets the radius of the thumpad and scales the texture accordingly
    void SetRadiusForThumbpadLimiter(float radius);   //Sets the raidus of the limiter and scales the texture accordingly

    //Input Accessors
    float GetThumbpadStrengthPercentage();
    CCPoint GetThumpadUnitVector();
    bool GetThumpadIsNeutral();

    void SetRadiusForSprite(float radius, CCSprite* sprite);
    void SetInputToNeutral();
    void ViewInput();   

//Member Variables

    //Member variables
    CCSprite* m_thumbpad;           //Sprite representing the thumbpad
    CCSprite* m_thumbpadLimiter;    //Sprite representing the limiter

    //When the thumbpad is clicked and held, this is set to true
    bool m_grabbed;

    //Bounding circle for the thumbpad
    float m_radiusForThumbpad;
    float m_radiusForThumbpadLimiter;
    float m_limiterBoundry;

    //Input Variables
    float m_thumbpadStrengthPercentage;
    CCPoint m_thumbpadUnitVector;
    bool m_thumbpadIsNeutral;

#endif //__VPAD_H__

This is how I instantiate this class and where it says the error is:

#include "VPad.h"

VPad* VPad::InitVPad()
    VPad* vPad = new VPad(); //ERROR ON THIS LINE :S    
    return vPad;    

Figured it out. I had to implement the functions:

virtual void touchDelegateRetain();
virtual void touchDelegateRelease();

They where pure virtual functions in the base.

virtual void touchDelegateRetain() = 0;
virtual void touchDelegateRelease() = 0;

I suppose I must of been using a different version of cocos2d-x where these functions where not pure virtual for it to be working elsewhere.
Anyway, i’ve implemented the functions and all works now :slight_smile:

void VPad::touchDelegateRetain()

void VPad::touchDelegateRelease()